Full-time and part-time zombies, meet your brethren at the Raleigh Zombie Walk on Saturday, October 19, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
This is a free, family-friendly event.
Fall is looking great around the Triangle, whether you’re looking for something spooky or totally kid-friendly! Check out our HUGE list of fall festivals, as well as our list of Raleigh area haunted trails and pumpkin patches, hayrides and corn mazes! We have also put together a big list of Halloween events and Trick or Treat events!
Meet other undead at Moore Square.
The event will start out with a short, Zombie Storytime for the kids, and a performance of Thriller by Danceformation, Inc.!
The Raleigh Zombie Walk is an annual flash mob meeting at dusk two Saturdays before Halloween, in which the undead of all ages arrive in character and lurch their way along a set route in downtown Raleigh entertainingly frightening the living. The trek is around a mile long and will begin and end at Moore Square.
After the event, enjoy a night downtown celebrating the holiday. For additional information, follow the event on Facebook.
You might also be interested in the Annual Ghost Walk in Downtown Raleigh, which takes place the day before, October 18.
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More Halloween Events in the Triangle
Check out our big list of Halloween events and ideas in the Triangle, or see a quick list here: