City of Raleigh Museum, at 220 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, presents lectures that are often free to the public. Read on for a list of upcoming lectures.
War Work: Labor During the Civil War
May 6, 2023, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Free, but register here.
Raleigh Historians Dr. David Zonderman, Dr. Christopher Graham, and Kaitlin O’Connell explore what labor went on off the battlefield. Entrenchments, quartermasters, and African American labor have been often overlooked as the essential factors that made the war work.
These lectures explore the support network that supported soldiers in the field and ultimately decided victory and defeat. This event is free and open to the public.
This event is sponsored by the North Carolina Humanities Council and the Friends of the City of Raleigh Museum.
Presenters: Stressed Out Supply Chains: North Carolina Wartime Struggle for Supply
Dr. Christopher Graham, American Civil War Museum, Richmond, VA.
White women and enslaved black men served as the backbone of the system that sustained North Carolina’s Civil War military. Some of the work they performed had long been practiced in the slave south; some of the work was new for everyone involved. All of it was subject to the politics and policies of industrialists and politicians.
“Without Negro Labor, I Cannot Do It” : What Black and Indigenous Laborers in Wilmington Tell Us About the Civil War
Kaitlin O’Connor, Ft. Fisher State Historic Site
Wilmington, N.C. was the principal port city in the state during the Civil War. From the earliest days of war, Confederates forced free and enslaved African Americans as well as Indigenous Americans to build and maintain fortifications in and around Wilmington. By studying this labor system, we learn more about white Southerners’ expectations of racial hierarchy and the agency of these people exploited by the Confederacy.
“Fighting on the Home Front: Workers and the Civil War”
Dr. David Zonderman, N.C. State University
This talk will offer an overview of workers–black and white, men and women, North and South–the labor they performed, the ways they adapted to changing technology and working conditions, and their efforts to organize and protest wages that never kept up with rapidly rising wartime inflation.
Timely Connections Lecture Series

Timely Connections, in cooperation with NC Humanities Council and Duke Energy, focuses on North Carolina history and culture, with a new topic and speaker every session.
Admission is free, but seating is limited. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the speakers start at 6 p.m.
For any questions please call (919) 996-2220 or email
- May 18th, 2023: Jason Boan –Lumbee Conscription at Fort Fisher During the Civil War
- June 1st, 2023: Alexandra Odom –History of the Black Press in the 20th Century and Depictions of Love and Relationships in Black Owned Print Publications in the 1980s
Lecturers and topics are subject to change.
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