North Carolina Museum of History’s popular American Indian Heritage Celebration returns on Saturday, November 23, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Due to the renovations at the museum, it will take place at North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, 11 W Jones Street, Raleigh, North Carolina.
This is a free event that will take place inside and outside of the museum.
This festival is an annual celebration of the rich diversity and contributions of American Indians in North Carolina for over 14,000 years. It features hands-on activities for all ages, cultural booths and demonstrations, artisans and vendors, a grand entry procession, performances and more.
We’ve put together a huge list of holiday events in the Triangle, including parades, festivals, markets, Santa visits, and more. Check out our growing day by day list of holiday events in the Triangle!
Schedule of Events
Opening and Grand Entry
Bicentennial Plaza
- 10:45–11 a.m.: Blessing of the Arena and Grounds
- 11:30–11:50 a.m.: Traditional Songs and Gospel Music: Anna Grace Hunt (Lumbee)
- 11:50 a.m.–Noon: Opening Drum Songs
- Noon–12:30 p.m.: Grand Entry — (roll call of tribes, flag, veterans’ song, more)
Dance and Music Stage
12:30–3:30 p.m.: Powwow Dances (Intertribal)
3:30–3:45 pm: Retiring of the Colors
3:45–4:00 pm: Closing Song
Bicentennial Plaza
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- 18th-Century Lifeways: Bark Housing, Finger Weaving, and Cordage: Sandra and Wahlelah Brown (EBCI)
- America 250: Office of Archives and History
- Corncob Darts
- Food Vendors
- Lumbee Tribe
- North Carolina American Indian Heritage Commission
- North Carolina Native American Youth Organization (NCNAYO)
- Sappony
- State Archives of North Carolina
- The Lost Colony
- Triangle Native American Society
- Wake County Indian Education
Nature Exploration Center, 1st Floor
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Basketmaking: Cindy Locklear (Lumbee)
- Information Table/North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs
- North Carolina Museum of History Associates
- Pine-Needle Baskets: Jamie Locklear (Lumbee)
- Pottery: Senora Lynch (Haliwa-Saponi)*
- Ribbon Skirts: Norma Jean Locklear-Richardson (Lumbee)
- Shell Carving: Antonio Grant (EBCI)
- Silverwork: Brian Lynch (Haliwa-Saponi)
- Take-Home Craft Kits
- Wampum and Dream Catchers: Julian and Andrea Hunter (Meherrin)
Auditorium, 1st Floor
1 to 1:45 p.m.
- Life by the River: Museum of the Southeast American Indian Ancestral Water Project
- Moderator: Nancy Strickland Chavis (Lumbee)
- Panelists: Ciera Dial Locklear (Lumbee)
- Ashley Lomboy (Waccamaw Siouan)
- Patrick Suarez (Meherrin)
- Alicia Thomas (Lumbee)
2 to 2:45 p.m.
- Language Revitalization Work in North Carolina Tribal Communities
- Panelists: Arvis Boughman (Lumbee)
- Kaya Littleturtle (Katehnuaka)
- Dr. Marvin Richardson (Haliwa-Saponi)
- Chi Shipman (EBCI)
3 to 3:45 p.m.
- Perceptions and Challenges Surrounding Contemporary Archaeology of Native Sites
- Panelists: Harlen Chavis (Lumbee)
- Nancy Strickland Chavis (Lumbee)
- Dr. Seth Grooms (Lumbee)
- Kevin Melvin (Lumbee)
Nature Exploration Center, 2nd Floor
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Information Table/North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs
- Quiet Space
- Wheel of History
Nature Exploration Center, 3rd Floor
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Bandolier Bags: Ernest Grant (EBCI)
- Drawing and Painting: Karen Lynch Harley (Haliwa-Saponi)
- Hunting and Fishing Tools and Furs: Sharn Jeffries (Occaneechi)
- Information Table
- Ribbon Work and Clothing Designs: Tabitha Jacobs Polanco (Lumbee)
- Traditional Foodways: Vickie Jeffries (Occaneechi)
- Traditional SE Indian Clothing: Members of the Meherrin Tribe
Windows on the World Classroom, 3rd Floor
12:45 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Martin Saniga (Sappony)
- Storytelling (ASL translation available)
2 p.m. to 2:20 p.m.
- Gwen Locklear (Lumbee)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.
- Gwen Locklear (Lumbee)
3 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.
- Chi Shipman (EBCI)
3:30 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.
- Chi Shipman (EBCI)
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However, sometimes things change without notice, and it’s also possible that we can make a mistake.
Please verify all deals and events with the venue or organizer before you go.
More Events
Check out our list of free and cheap events in Raleigh and the rest of the Triangle this weekend, or our full event calendar in the Triangle, or just look at few upcoming events here:
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh
11 W Jones St
Raleigh, NC