Due to the current situation, many concerts and other events are still canceled.
But there’s still plenty to do on our virtual events calendar. You’ll find live streamed concerts, music lessons, opera performances and more. We’ll be adding to this list all the time, so if you know of anything that should be on the list, please email info@triangleonthecheap.com.
And don’t forget all of the amazing online resources that your library card offers you.
What other kind of content would be useful to you right now? Let us know and we’ll work to make it happen.
But back to our virtual events calendar. Of course, we want to highlight local events, but one silver lining is that now you can experience live events from all over the globe.
Keep in mind that we are being deprived of of some live experiences, but musicians are being deprived of their livelihood. So if there’s an opportunity to tip during the show, or to buy merchandise, please do so if you can.
Earleen Thomas says
This is really a great service. Thank you!!!
Gill Roberts says
What a wonderful job triangleonthecheap is doing . I love how creative you have been, finding virtual activities that those of us stuck at home can view, or even participate in!