South Wake Conservationists’ goal is to conserve and improve wildlife habitat and diversity through conservation projects and outreach. They host many events for both adults and kids.
One of South Wake Conservationists’ popular programs is Eco Kids. The mission of Eco Kids is to engage the younger generation to develop a lifelong appreciation of the natural habitat and wildlife, and to learn, explore and have fun in the outdoors.
Events include nature hikes, nature crafts, gardens for wildlife and more.
South Wake Conservationists presents programs for both adult and children.
Eco Kids Magnificent Tree ID Hike
Saturday, April 5, 2025
2 to 3:30 p.m.
Umstead State Park — Reedy Creek Access
2100 N Harrison Avenue, Cary, NC
Free, but registration is required (above link)
Kids and families! Join EB Brown from Project Pando as he leads our Eco Kids on a meander amongst the magnificent trees of William B. Umstead State Park. We will go where our group interests and the trees lead us. Along the way, we will stop and chat about trees. Learn how to recognize and remember trees! We’ll also talk about forest ecology, biodiversity, interactions between humans and trees, how trees feed us, what we can do for trees, and whatever else comes up!
Inspiration Trail is an easy .4 mi. interpretive loop accessed from the Reedy Creek (southeastern side via I-40 North Harrison exit) in North Carolina’s Umstead State Park featuring a variety of native and non-native trees described on marked signs along the path.
Meeting Place: Parking at end of Harrison Ave at Company Mill Trailhead
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More Events
Check out our list of free and cheap events in Raleigh and the rest of the Triangle this weekend, or our full event calendar in the Triangle, or just look at few upcoming events here:
Willam B. Umstead State Park — Reedy Creek Gardens (Cary)
3200 N Harrison Avenue
Cary, NC