Lee County Libraries’ annual event, Pop!-Con takes place Saturday, August 20th, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the library, at 107 Hawkins Avenue, Sanford, NC.
Looking for stuff for your kids to do? Check out Triangle on the Cheap’s big list of upcoming free and cheap kid-friendly events in the Triangle!
The free event features:
- Cosplay
- Sword fighting
- Artists Alley
- Star Cars
- Live music
- Food trucks
- Costume contests
- Tabletop gaming
- Video gaming
- Vendors
- More
Main Stage
- 10 a.m.: NASA Ambassador Dan Combs
- 11 a.m.: Hollywood Special Effects artist Dean Jones
- 12 p.m.: Costume contest
- 1 p.m.: Hollywood writer/director/producer Mark Altman (virtual)
- 2 p.m.: NC Cryptozoology presentation
- 3 p.m.: Comics illustrator Al Bigley
Medieval Camps
- Make toy swords (cost involved)
- Make wax candles (cost involved)
- Learn about Knights
- Archery
- Sword fighting
Kids’ Room
- 10 a.m.: Fairy tale storytime
- 11:30 a.m.: Interview a knight
- 12 p.m.: Meet birds with CLAWS
- 2 p.m.: Create a superhero comic book
- 3 p.m: Coloring
Look for updates on the Facebook event.
Double-Check Before You Head Out!
We make every effort to make sure that everything on Triangle on the Cheap is 100% accurate.
However, sometimes things change without notice, and it’s also possible that we can make a mistake.
Please verify all deals and events with the venue or organizer before you go.
More Kids’ Events in the Triangle
Please check out our big list of free and cheap kids’ events in the Triangle or look at a quick list here: