Piedmont Farm Tour is a chance to visit farms (33 are participating!) in Orange, Durham, Chatham, Person and Alamance Counties in North Carolina.
The farm tour takes place on April 26 and 27, 2025, from 2 to 6 p.m. (Some farms open at 12 p.m.)
Spend the weekend celebrating local food and farming. Each farm will be sharing what makes it special, everything from fruit orchards, greenhouses and u-pick berries to milking parlors, flower fields beehives.
The cost is just $35 per carload for the whole weekend.
Participating Farms
Western Region Farms: Alamance County (Graham Area)
- Benevolence Farm, Graham
- Bountiful Acre, Graham
- Fireside Farm & Sawmill, Graham
- Full Plate Farm, Snow Camp
- Haw River Mushrooms, Graham
Central Region Farms: Southern Alamance and Orange County (Chapel Hill area)
- Chapel Hill Creamery, Chapel Hill
- Eco Farm, Chapel Hill
- Faithfull Farms, Chapel Hill
- Fickle Creek Farm, Efland
- Minka Farm, Efland
- Plowgirl Farm, Chapel Hill
- The Farm at Common Ground Ecovillage, Mebane
- Transplanting Traditions Community Farm, Chapel Hill
- WildSide Farm, Chapel Hill
- Woodcrest Farm & Forge, Hillsborough
Northern Region Farms: Northern Orange and Alamance Counties, Person County (Cedar Grove area)
- Boxcarr Farms & Boxcarr Handmade Cheese, Cedar Grove
- Cedar Grove Blueberry Farm and Botanist & Barrel, Cedar Grove
- Ever Laughter Farm & Nursery, Hillsborough
- One Soil Farm, Cedar Grove
- Parker Farm & Vineyard, Hurdle Mills
- Sankofa Farms, Cedar Grove
- Stoney Mountain Farm, Burlington
- Sunset Ridge Buffalo Farms, Roxboro
- The Garden at Spring Forest, Hillsborough
Eastern Region Farms: Durham County
- Catawba Trail Farm, Durham
- Hawk’s Nest Healing Gardens, Durham
- Jireh Family Farm, Durham
- Wolfberry Hawthorn Farm, Durham
Southern Region Farms: Chatham County (Pittsboro and Siler City areas)
- Celebrity Dairy, Siler City
- Granite Springs Farm, Pittsboro
- Little Pond Gardens, Pittsboro
- Little Way Farm, Siler City
- Student Organic Farm at Central Carolina Community College, Pittsboro
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However, sometimes things change without notice, and it’s also possible that we can make a mistake.
Please verify all deals and events with the venue or organizer before you go.
More Events
Check out our list of free and cheap events in Raleigh and the rest of the Triangle this weekend, or our full event calendar in the Triangle, or just look at few upcoming events here: