The Raleigh Market, which is at the NC State Fairgrounds every weekend, is hosting The Great Raleigh Yard Sale on April 6 and 7, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.
This is a chance to sell your stuff without holding your own yard sale or even organize a neighborhood sale. The Great Raleigh Yard Sale will have plenty of customers!
If you like to shop local for unique items, you will love our big list of markets all around the Triangle!
And it goes without saying that as a buyer you’ll find plenty of treasures! At least, treasures to you!
The address is 4285 Trinity Road, Raleigh, NC.
Selling at The Great Raleigh Yard Sale
Want to participate? Here’s what you need to know:
- Pre-registration and pre-payment is required.
- You can choose to sell Saturday, Sunday, or both days
- The cost is $30 for one day or $50 for the whole weekend
- Spaces are the size of a parking space, 10″ by 20″
- You need to arrive before 8:45 a.m., and unload your merchandise and move your car to the parking lot by 9 a.m.
- All items must fit into the assigned space.
- You can rent more than one spot.
- Register here.
- If you have questions, email manager@theraleighmarket.com.
Double-Check Before You Head Out!
We make every effort to make sure that everything on Triangle on the Cheap is 100% accurate.
However, sometimes things change without notice, and it’s also possible that we can make a mistake.
Please verify all deals and events with the venue or organizer before you go.
More Markets in the Triangle
Check out big day-by-day list of markets in the Triangle, or look at a few of them here:
Raleigh Market (at N.C. State Fairgrounds)
4285 Trinity Road
Raleigh, NC