Frontier RTP, at 800 Park Office Drive, Durham, is a place for creative freelancers, startups, STEM professionals and emerging companies. The multi-building campus offers free co-working and meeting rooms, as well as a million square feet of private offices.
Frontier RTP hosts many free events, both in-person and virtual. Here are some that are coming up. Please follow each link to learn more and to register.

Free Yoga Class
12 to 12:50 p.m.
Frontier 800 and on Zoom
Free (no registration required)
This yoga class will be offered in-person in Frontier 800 and on zoom.
The mission of the RTPFit programs is to encourage an active lifestyle and promote a healthy work/life balance.
All levels are welcome, and requests/modifications will be encouraged! Please plan to bring a yoga mat and a water bottle if you will be participating in person.
Did you know we keep a big list of free fitness opportunities in the Triangle? The list includes yoga, bootcamps, group hikes and more, and we update it every day!
Double-Check Before You Head Out!
We make every effort to make sure that everything on Triangle on the Cheap is 100% accurate.
However, sometimes things change without notice, and it’s also possible that we can make a mistake.
Please verify all deals and events with the venue or organizer before you go.
More Events
Check out our list of free and cheap events in Raleigh and the rest of the Triangle this weekend, or our full event calendar in the Triangle, or just look at few upcoming events here: