TheatreFEST 2023 is a hub for summer theatre at NC State and Raleigh. It takes place from June 1 to 18, 2023, and includes both free and ticketed events. All the events are listed below, with the free ones highlighted.
Holmes and Watson
June 1 to 4 and June 8 to 11, 2023
Various times
Titmus Theatre in Frank Thompson Hall on NCSU Campus
2241 Dunn Avenue, Raleigh, NC
Prices vary
Sherlock Holmes is dead. Or so it is assumed. But as Holmes’ body was never retrieved, it falls to Dr. Watson to disprove the charlatans. When a telegram arrives with tales of three men claiming to be the fallen hero, Watson must journey to a remote asylum off the coast of Scotland to discover if one of the mad men is the real Sherlock Holmes in this intriguing mystery-thriller.
Away Home – Workshop Offering
June 2, 2023, 7 p m.
June 3, 2023, 2 p.m.
Kennedy-McIlwee Studio Theatre in Frank Thompson Hall
2241 Dunn Avenue, Raleigh, NC
FREE, but registration is required (above link)
Honest Pint Theatre Co. presents their second “workshop offering” of a new musical, AWAY HOME, that they commissioned from North Carolina writer Tamara Kissane and composer Matthew Hager.
The story is based on what may be an urban legend of Franz Kafka and the lost doll. Guests of TheatreFEST at NC State University will get a glimpse of how a new musical work is developed, and will be among the first to preview the show, all leading up to a full-scale production in the future.
[title of show]
June 8 to 18, 2023
Times vary
Kennedy-McIlwee Studio Theatre in Frank Thompson Hall
2241 Dunn Avenue, Raleigh, NC
Ticket prices vary
[title of show] is “a musical about two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical.” A sincere and sincerely funny examination of the struggles of writing, collaborating, and working with friends and strangers to make something ‘original’!
Theatre FESTival
Saturday, June 10, 2023
1 to 4 p.m.
Frank Thompson Hall
2241 Dunn Avenue, Raleigh, NC
Build your own experience through the various events throughout the day. TheatreFESTival is a casual, kid-friendly open house experience where the community is invited backstage to see the magic behind live performance. Guests are welcome to join at any point during the day. Choose from an extensive list of ongoing events, creating your own custom experience. Drop in for an interview with the actors, head backstage for a guided tour of the sets, or join designers to learn more about their process. Local theatre companies will also be on site with information about their upcoming seasons, and giveaways!
Quick Scripts
June 17, 2023
8 p.m.
Titmus Theatre in Frank Thompson Hall on NCSU Campus
2241 Dunn Avenue, Raleigh, NC
$3.73 (Ticket Link)
QuickSCRIPTS is a night of four 10-minute plays, written, cast, and produced in 72 hours. Writers are given a prompt and 24 hours to create a script. Directors have 24 hours to read and cast the show. Actors are provided only 24 hours to rehearse before the audience arrives.
Stripped of costumes and scenery, these plays offer audiences and participants a glimpse into the process of making theatre. Playwrights, directors, and performers are encouraged to take risks, go with their instincts, and make choices in order to beat the clock. Each QuickSCRIPTS performance is followed by an audience talkback.