Photo: Depositphotos
Find the cheapest gas prices in the Triangle here. Powered by Gas Buddy.
The Gas Buddy map below will show the places that have cheap gas in Raleigh, but you can plug in any zip code to zero in on your area.
Below the map are several charts that show the cheapest gas in different parts of the Triangle, including Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and more. All information is supplied by Gas Buddy users, and you can see the date it was reported, so you know it’s current.
But remember that you may save even more on fuel if you have a membership to a warehouse club like Sam’s, BJ’s or Costco that has a gas station. Often these gas prices are the lowest in town. Check out these steep discounts on Sam’s Club memberships.
Cheap Gas in Raleigh Area
Remember, although this map is centered on Raleigh, you can change the zip code or pan around and zoom in to get to your city or town.
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