If you’ve become temporarily or permanently unemployed during this time, Carrboro Famers Market will give you a $10 voucher to spend at the market.
Just come to the info booth at the entrance of the market and a show a statement, an email, or even a text as proof. They’ll give you a $10 voucher to spend at any vendor at the market.
In addition, you should know that Carrboro Farmers Market accepts EBT, and during this time they are offering triple bucks to EBT customers who shop at the market. So $10 from your EBT account means $30 to spend at the market.
If you’re out of EBT benefits on your card, they’ll match cash. They also offer triple bucks for WIC FMNP and Seniors FMNP customers.
The Carrboro Farmers Market is open Saturdays 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Wednesdays 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. They have some new safety measures in place, which you can read about on their website.
Carrboro Farmers Market is at 301 W Main Street, Carrboro.
Check out our newly updated list of farmers markets around the Triangle, and see which have opened up and which will be open soon.